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The Community for Leaders in Engineering Mechanics: Advancing the Frontiers of Engineering

The Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference 2023 (EMI 2023) will provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to showcase their recent developments in the fundamentals and applications of engineering mechanics.

Registration Now Open

Join us at the Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference 2023 (EMI 2023)—the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) premier annual mechanics conference. This conference will be hosted at Georgia Tech in Atlanta, Georgia, with organization led by Professors Chloé Arson and Yang Wang.

The conference will provide a forum for researchers and practitioners, where the fundamental and applied advances in engineering mechanics will be on display. At the conference, learn about the latest discoveries in the field of engineering mechanics, disseminate your own contributions at topical sessions, support our students engaged in various EMI activities, listen to distinguished plenary lecturers and participate in discussions, panels and networking events to advance engineering mechanics education, research and practice.

Past Conferences

EMI 2022
May 31-June 3, 2022
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
Book of Abstracts (.PDF)

EMI/PMC 2021 Conference
May 25–28, 2021
Hosted by Columbia University (virtual)
List of Mini-Symposia (.PDF)

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